Vesuvio Heavy Metal Detox Blend 200g


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Every day, the human body is exposed to toxic and poisonous substances.

From the mattress we sleep on and the couches we sit on, down to the clothes we wear, the cleaning products we use, the foods we eat, and the pharmaceuticals we are prescribed.

Every year we as humans are exposed to more and more harmful, and even poisonous substances, and as manufacturing and urbanisation continues, it won’t get any better for our health.

Our air is polluted, our manufactured goods and farmed foods are sprayed with flame retardants, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. The plastics we drink and eat from. Even our oceans are being polluted and affecting the fish we eat. This continues, and will continue to grow and grow and grow… And by the time everyone in the world catches on, it’ll likely already be too late.  

Among these heavy metals, some of the most harmful and toxic include mercury, aluminium, copper, lead, cadmium, nickel and arsenic. Most of us carry these toxins our entire lives as they are even passed on hereditarily through many generations. These toxins spread throughout your body, causing damage to your brain, liver, central nervous and digestive system and many more.

The world we live in today there is no way that we can steer clear from these things. They have now flooded our everyday existence and our needs. It's just too hard for the average person to avoid. So what is the answer?

Nowadays it's simply not possible to just ‘steer clear’ from these things, as they are present in everything from our agricultural system to our urban infrastructure. So what can we do?

The Answer: Stick to a daily routine of internal detox. Follow it religiously.

This is your best chance to avoid any serious disease or illness in the future. Using natural, organic substances that will not contribute to the issue. Going back to basics. That’s exactly what our Heavy Metal Detox powder is. Natural, organic, preservative free, GMO free, pesticide free and most importantly, free from any heavy metals. 

Organic Atlantic Dulse 

Works as a binder by cohering itself to the toxic heavy metals in the body. Atlantic Dulse is a very powerful force when it comes to its capabilities in removing toxic heavy metals out of the deep and hidden places in the small intestine and colon. Once Atlantic Dulse is consumed it will enter your body and seek out and find all the hidden heavy metals from pockets inside the intestinal tract linings and also other places in your gut, binds to these toxins and will not release them until they have left your body. It’s truly one of the most amazing heavy metal detoxifiers to have been discovered to date.

Organic Cilantro

Helps remove toxic heavy metals from the stomach, liver, intestinal tract and gallbladder.

Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder 

Draws out heavy metals from the liver, pancreas, spleen, reproductive system and intestinal tract. The Barley Grass Juice Powder prepares the toxic heavy metals for complete absorption by the spirulina.

Organic Spirulina

Draws out heavy metals from your brain, liver and central nervous system. It also works hand in hand to absorb the heavy metals that the barley grass juice powder extracted


Start with 1 teaspoon (4g) and gradually build up to 1 tablespoon (8g) of the Heavy Metal Detox Blend mixed into 200ml water or your favourite juice or smoothie.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

But remember, consistency is key to seeing the results you need. Anyone can sip a smoothie every now and then, but to make a difference you need to be ready to put in the work!


How often should I drink my DETOX drink?
You should aim to drink your detox drink once a day for optimal results.

Can I take the Heavy Metal, Liver Rescue and Estro Clear DETOX Blends together?

We recommend two different protocols if you are wanting to use the blends at the same time:

Alternate/Cycle: Take one detox blend every morning on an empty stomach for one month, then alternate and take the other detox blend the next month. And so on. Alternating each blend month by month.


Take the Heavy Metal Detox Blend daily, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (we suggest the Heavy Metal Detox Blend be taken on its own only and not mixed with any other of our detox blends) and then take the Liver Rescue Detox Blend or Estro Clear Detox Blend later in the day, we suggest 30min before you eat dinner. This gives the blends time to be absorbed by the body and to deep clean, detox and be absorbed, whilst not having to work on digesting/metabolising things you may have eaten. Such as fats and carbs etc.

Is it safe to drink when pregnant?
Yes, it is safe to drink when pregnant.  Due to the hormone balancing qualities of this blend our Estro Clear Detox, it is not recommended to take when pregnant.

Is this DETOX drink safe for kids?
Yes, it is safe for children to consume too. Recommended age for our detox blends is 2+ years old.
However, we do suggest starting on a ¼ of a teaspoon a day and gradually building up to 1 teaspoon a day to see how the blend is tolerated. We suggest not exceeding 1 teaspoon a day for children under 12.

Our Estro Clear Detox Blend is not recommended for children under 16.

Are the ingredients in your DETOX blends Organic?
Each ingredient used in our blends is certified organic with certificates available upon request. Please contact us for more information.

Will these DETOX Blends aid in weight loss?
Over the years due to environmental toxins, diets, lifestyle choices etc. we put a lot of strain on our livers and you will recognise yourselves that they do not work as well as they did when we were younger. This is why as we age you will notice you feel more tired, sluggish, our metabolism slows down and we just don't bounce back like we used to. A healthy liver, a low toxic load and healthy hormones all go hand in hand and will help us aid our metabolism which in turn can help with weight management.

Our Estro Clear Detox Blends has seen many women drop weight, especially around their hips, thighs and midsection due to the hormone balancing qualities of the blend.

How quickly will I see or feel results?
Depending on how much your body is in need of a detox you should start to feel a positive difference between 1-3 weeks of daily use. From this you will be able to make an informed decision on if its best for you to continue.

Our Estro Clear Detox blend has shown the best results after 90 days of a typical egg cycle.

What testing have you had done?
Our detox blends are all third party laboratory tested for Heavy Metals and traces of Gluten and Dairy.

Can I take Activated Charcoal or Zeolite aloing with the DETOX blends or NAC?
No. Activated Charcoal or Zeolite should always be taken on its own as it also binds to vitamins, nutrients, and medications. So always allow 2 hours between having any medications, supplements or eating food.

We suggest having them just before bed on its own.

When is the best time of the day to drink my DETOX drink?
Fist thing in the morning on an empty stomach is best using the Medical Medium Smoothie recipes linked on our site

Can I take the heavy Metal DETOX blend and the Liver Rescue DETOX blend together?
We recommend two different protocols if wanting to use both detox blends:

Alternate/Cycle: Take one detox blend every morning on an empty stomach for one month, then alternate and take the other detox blend the next month. And so on. Alternating each blend month by month.

Take the Heavy Metal Detox Blend daily, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then take the Liver Rescue Detox Blend later in the day, we suggest 30min before you eat dinner. This gives the blends time to be absorbed by the body and to deep clean, detox and be absorbed, whilst not having to work on digesting/metabolising things you may have eaten. Such as fats and carbs etc.

Is it safe to drink while breastfeeding?
Yes, it is safe for you and your baby.

Due to the hormone balancing qualities of our Estro Clear Detox Blend, it is not recommended to take this when breastfeeding.

I don't like the taste, what can I do?
The taste can be a little strong at first for beginners of these types of powders and products. We suggest starting with one teaspoon mixed into a beautifully flavoured fruit juice or smoothie. We have suggested smoothie recipes to follow in our recipe section which will further enhance the benefits of your detox following the Medical Medium's protocol. This is the best way to start and slowly move up to one tablespoon. Both to adjust to the taste and also for your body to adjust to the detoxifying components easily.

What is the country of origin of your ingredients?
In today's current world and climate it is too difficult to keep the same suppliers as crops are affected seasonally due to droughts, flooding or extreme temperatures. Due to this we need to source our ingredients from the best available supplier at the time of purchasing. We are very picky about where we source our ingredients as we only want the best not only for you our customers but ourselves, our family and our team. As our health is our priority and one we have made a business from. Its what we are passionate about. And only want to share that with our health conscious family.

All our suppliers are certified organic. ISO and/or FFSC certified.

Are there any side effects when using your DETOX powders?
Our detox blends generally have only positive effects including increased energy, clearer and brighter skin and a better metabolism. A small percentage of people may experience a slight break out with their skin in the first week of detoxing, headaches, nausea, an upset stomach and soft stool or a more regular bowel movement. This is why we suggest starting with 1 teaspoon and gradually building up to the suggested serving size of 1 tablespoon. This will help your body to adjust to the detoxifying qualities of the ingredients. But remember, these are all signs that your body is ridding itself of the toxins you are trying to detox. So basically, its working!

Our Estro Clear Detox may cause spotting and changes to your menstrual cycle (late or early periods), this is all due to the hormone balancing qualities and will balance itself out within the 3 months of use (90 day egg cycle). Similar to any hormonal treatments which are prescribed. This is nothing to be concerned about.

How long should I take it for?
This is a hard one to answer. Each person is different and one persons health can be more compromised than an others. We also need to factor in lifestyle, diet, stress etc.

There are things you can do to speed up the process and see results quickly such as following our smoothie recipes (see recipes), kick starting the process with the 9 Day Liver Rescue Protocol, exercising, colonics and saunas are also very helpful.

We here personally continue to use our blends daily as the ingredients are full of minerals, vitamins and nutrients that helps us to look and feel our best. Think of it as your “daily greens”.

Can I take the NAC with the DETOX Blends?
Yes! Adding a scoop of NAC to your detox blend will have no negative effect or inhibit the detoxifying and healing qualities of the ingredients used in our blends.

Who should not take NAC?
People who have bleeding disorders or take blood thinning medications should not take NAC because it may slow blood clotting. This also includes blood pressure medicines.


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