banana medicine

Banana has a signature or "sign of nature" that targets the following:

Signature Target

    • Penile function

    • Blood volume

    • Muscle and Bones

Self Care Benefits of Banana

    • Clear heat – in Chinese Medicine bananas are seen as a cooling fruit to clear general heat in the body

    • Constipation – soft bananas lubricate the intestines

    • Diarrhoea – hard bananas control the balance of water in your cells

    • Depression – contain tryptophan a protein converted to serotonin to help improve mood

    • Hangover – calms the stomach, removes toxins and builds depleted blood sugar levels

    • Heart-burn – natural antacid

    • Lowers blood pressure – as they are extremely high in potassium

    • Nerves – high in B Vitamins that help calm nervous system

    • PMS – vitamin B6 regulates blood glucose levels which affect your mood

    • Quit Smoking – remove toxins and help the body recover from nicotine withdrawal

    • Stress – potassium normalizes heart beat and send oxygen to the brain, stress depletes potassium

    • Tonify – in TCM bananas tonify Yin, Qi and Blood

    • Ulcers – neutralizes over acidity and reduces irritation by coating the stomach lining

Banana Recipes

1. Banana Ice Cream

    • 2 bananas (frozen or add ice if raw)

    • ½ cup raw milk

    • 1 tbsp organic raw honey

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until creamy.

2. Banana-listic Juice

    • 2 bananas

    • 2 coconuts (young flesh)

    • 500ml coconut water

In a Kuvings cold pressed juicer add the bananas first... then the coconut flesh... then run the coconut water through the juicer to rinse through the flavour.

3. Green smoothie

    • 2 bananas

    • 2 apples

    • 2 oranges

    • 1 handful baby spinach

Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
Alkaline World