Should you drink Distilled Water? 

Water is a crucial element for our bodies to function properly. Our bodies are made up of around 60% water, and we require a certain level of hydration to maintain healthy bodily functions. 

Though some claim that distilled water is healthy, there are some disadvantages to drinking it on a daily basis that you should consider before completely switching to distilled water.

Distilled water is water that has been purified through a process of distillation, which involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam back into water. This process removes impurities, minerals, and other substances from the water. While this may sound like a good thing, there are several reasons why drinking distilled water can actually be harmful to our health.

The distillation process is effective at removing stuff from water — including important minerals that are dissolved in the water, some of which serve important functions in the body. These minerals which play an important role in cell signalling, are typically obtained via the food we eat. Yet, while water only contains trace amounts of these essential minerals, it can also contribute to our daily needs. 

Distilled water lacks essential minerals that our bodies need. Electrolyte  Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are important for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and muscles, and for regulating the balance of fluids in our bodies. While distilled water may be free of many harmful contaminants, it also lacks these essential minerals that we need for our bodies to function properly. While We do not depend on the minerals in the water, but these needs to be in the water for our body to utilise the water we drink.

Distilled water is not recommended for people who are fasting, malnourished or unwell; nor is it recommended for re-hydrating after an intense workout or other physical activity. But generally, for a healthy person who is well nourished, drinking distilled water should not have negative side effects. 

Distilled water is highly acidic. When water is distilled, it loses alkaline minerals that help to neutralise the acidity in our bodies. This can lead to a buildup of acid in our bodies, which can have negative health consequences such as inflammation, digestive issues, and even cancer.

While distilled water is safe to drink in small amounts, it is not recommended as the primary source of drinking water. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Lack of minerals: Distillation removes minerals from water, which can be important for maintaining good health. Drinking distilled water on a regular basis can lead to a mineral deficiency in the body, which can cause a range of health problems such as weakened bones and teeth, muscle cramps, and fatigue.

  2. Acidity: Distilled water is acidic due to the lack of minerals, and this can potentially lead to acidosis, a condition in which the body's pH becomes too acidic. This can cause symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and muscle weakness.

  3. Dehydration: Since distilled water lacks minerals, it may not be as hydrating as other types of water, as minerals help the body absorb water more effectively. Drinking distilled water may therefore not be as effective at preventing dehydration.

  4. Risk of exposure to toxins: Since distilled water is free of minerals and other substances, it may actually leach minerals and other substances from materials it comes into contact with, such as metal or plastic containers. This can potentially expose you to harmful substances.

It is important to note that drinking small amounts of distilled water is generally considered safe for most people. However, consuming large amounts of distilled water over a long period of time can potentially lead to health problems. 

According to an older report for the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source, some of the adverse effects of drinking just distilled or low mineral water include:

  • a flat taste that many people find unappealing, leading to reduced water consumption
  • a decrease in the body’s metabolic function
  • an increase in urine output that could result in electrolyte imbalance

According to the WHO, these and other associated health problems are partly due to the lack of minerals and electrolytes in distilled water. This lack forces unhealthy changes in the delicate balance of sodium, potassium, fluid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and other nutrients in the body.

When the body loses water through sweating and urine output, it loses sodium and other minerals in addition to water. In order for the body to function properly, a person must replace those minerals.

Drinking distilled water will not replace minerals lost through sweat, as all additives and minerals will have been removed during the distillation process.


Since distilled water has no minerals, it also has very little taste. This can cause it to take on the taste of its container, often a plastic or steel bottle. Minerals in normal drinking water often help to preserve the water's crisp taste. Some distilled water distributors have started marketing their product in a glass container for this reason.


Since distilled water contains no nutrients, it absorbs other elements very easily. Consequently, when it comes in contact with the air, it absorbs carbon monoxide. This will raise the acidity of the water, according to Dr. Zoltan Rona, an opponent of drinking distilled water. Acidic water is not directly toxic, but Rona and others claim that water should be alkaline and that acidic water can lead to many health risks, including cancer and osteoporosis.


Electrolyte Imbalance

According to one World Health Organization study, drinking distilled water causes your body to lose electrolytes it needs to stay hydrated like potassium, sodium and chloride because it needs to use them to process and absorb the water. This could lead to symptoms that include dizziness, fatigue, muscle cramps and even organ failure. While dehydration from distilled water is unlikely if you are consuming average levels of sodium, the common practice of fasting while drinking distilled water could be unhealthy.

There are several reported cases of people experiencing health problems or even dying from drinking large amounts of distilled water. 

Here are a few reported cases:

  1. In 2007, a 28-year-old woman in California died after drinking several litres of distilled water over the course of a few hours in an attempt to "flush out" her system. The cause of death was hyponatremia, a condition in which the sodium levels in the blood become dangerously low.
  2. In 2008, a 62-year-old man in New Zealand died after drinking about 10 liters of distilled water in one day. The cause of death was water intoxication, which can occur when a person drinks too much water too quickly, leading to an imbalance of electrolytes in the body.
  3. In 2011, a 56-year-old man in Colorado died after drinking several litres of distilled water over the course of a few days in an attempt to detoxify his body. The cause of death was cardiac arrhythmia, which can occur when the body's electrolyte balance is disrupted.

While these cases are rare and often involve extreme circumstances. Drinking small amounts of distilled water is generally considered safe for most people, but it is not recommended as the primary source of drinking water due to the potential health risks associated with long-term consumption. 

Is distilled water good for plants

Distilled water can be used for watering plants, but it is not the best option. Because distilled water is free from minerals, it lacks essential nutrients that plants need to grow and thrive.

Regular filtered tap water contains minerals and nutrients that can be beneficial for plants. However, the mineral content of tap water can vary depending on your location and the quality of your water source. 

If you want to use distilled water for your plants, it is recommended to mix it with regular filtered tap water or add nutrients to the water to ensure that your plants get the essential minerals they need. 

Is distilled water healthy for animals

Distilled water is generally safe for animals to drink in small amounts, but it is not considered to be a healthy option for their primary source of drinking water.

Drinking water that lacks essential minerals can lead to mineral deficiencies in animals, just as it can in humans. This can cause a range of health problems depending on the severity and duration of the deficiency. Additionally, some animals may not find the taste of distilled water appealing, and may be less likely to drink enough water as a result.

If you are considering using distilled water for your pets or livestock, it is important to speak with your veterinarian or animal nutritionist to determine if it is appropriate for their specific needs. They may recommend a different type of water or a supplement to ensure that your animals are getting the nutrients they need for good health.

In general, providing clean, fresh water that is free from contaminants and contains essential minerals is important for the health and well-being of animals.

A Good Quality Distiller is effective at removing arsenic, asbestos, chlorine, lead, mercury, nitrates, pesticides, salts, and SOCs. Boiling the water also kills bacteria and viruses, and produces pure water imaginable. 

The only thing distilled water filters can’t remove are VOCs. They have a lower boiling point than water, so boiling your water won’t remove them. To compensate for this, most distilled water filters have a separate filter to trap and remove VOCs before they can get mixed back in with your drinking water.
Sadly most distillers are cheaply made and have a very basic filter made of a few grams of carbon.

Distillation removes most contaminants from water, but it does not eliminate all of them. If the distillation process is not done correctly, there is a risk of contamination from chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals that can be harmful to health.

Distilled water filters are more expensive to operate and take longer to filter water than water filters. They require 3 kilowatts of electricity to filter 3.8Lt of water, at a cost of $1 - $1.50. It’s not much, but water filters filters only cost a few cents per litres. They’re gravity fed and don’t require any electricity. Distilling a 3.8Lt of water takes approximately 5 hours. A good RO filter or a purifier takes a few minutes.

Distilled water filters also upset your water’s chemistry. Besides removing harmful minerals, distilled water filters also remove necessary minerals like calcium and magnesium, which promote good health. Distilled water also actively absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, which makes it slightly acidic. In order to balance it out and prevent it from harming your soft tissue cells, your body pulls calcium and magnesium from your teeth and bones. Distilled water is harmless in small doses, but anyone drinking distilled water for an extended period of time may begin to suffer from mineral deficiencies and increase their risk of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure.

Three of the most widespread VOCs found in water supplies are:

  1. Trihalomethane (THM), a byproduct of disinfection during the water treatment process, is the VOC most commonly found in drinking water. Water treatment plants typically add chlorine to water to kill any pathogens that may be present. However, if the water supply contains organic matter, it can combine with the chlorine to form trihalomethane.  Because chlorination is the most widespread method of disinfection, trihalomethane is the most common VOC found in drinking water.
  2. Perchloroethylene (PCE), is a byproduct originating from industrial solvents such as dry cleaning products and degreasing agents, and is also present in everyday household products such as shoe polish.
  3. Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), is a fuel additive added to lead-free gasoline to increase the octane levels. Now that it is extensively used,  leaking underground storage tanks and fuel spillages has resulted in MTBE contaminating soil and groundwater, ultimately ending up in drinking water supplies.

What is my risk of VOC exposure? 

People who get their drinking water from groundwater sources such as wells and unregulated Springs.  Even treated municipal water will still contain VOCs. The EPA requires water treatment facilities to monitor their water supplies for 23 regulated VOCs, which have to be within the safety standards determined by the EPA. If your drinking water comes from a well, you should have your groundwater tested regularly to ensure VOC levels fall within the safety limit set by the EPA. Or to be sure, install an effective water filter, preferably a whole house system. 

In conclusion, while distilled water may seem like a pure option for drinking water, it can actually have negative health consequences. It lacks essential minerals that our bodies need, is highly acidic, can leach minerals from our bodies, and can have negative effects on our teeth. It is therefore recommended that we choose a different type of water for drinking that contains the essential minerals that our bodies need, such as spring water or mineral water. By doing so, we can ensure that we are getting the hydration that our bodies need while also maintaining good health. 

Distilled Water May Not Be as Pure as You Think

There are other potential issues to contend with as well. While many believe distilled water is more pure or free of contaminants than other water, the end result is really only as pure as the water you start off with… The reason for this is that any contaminant in the water that vaporizes at a lower temperature than the water, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC), will also be condensed on the other side. Most tap water contains disinfection byproducts (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), which are extremely toxic.

DBPs are estimated to be over 10,000 times more toxic than chlorine, and out of all the other toxins and contaminations present in your tap water, such as fluoride and miscellaneous pharmaceutical drugs, DBPs are thought to be the worst. Again, the process of distilling can worsen the presence of DBPs in your water, as they vaporize at a lower temperature than water. Hence they’re boiled and condensed on the other side. As a result of these now common water contaminants, the distilled water could actually contain higher concentrations of dangerous contaminants than what you started out with. In essence, you’ll have “purified” water PLUS all those volatile chemicals that are among the most toxic.

Additionally, because distilled water is acidic and demineralized, it will tend to pull contaminants out of whatever container you put it in. Many distillers on the market are made of metal, which may add certain toxic metals like nickel back into the water. And if you use a distiller with a plastic bottle, you have a number of plastic chemicals to contend with, such as the BPA and phthalates discussed above.

Give me more info why we should avoid drinking distilled water 

Sure, here are a few more reasons why some experts in the field of water and health advise against drinking distilled water:

  1. Distilled water is not a natural water source: Humans have been drinking natural water sources such as springs, rivers, and wells for thousands of years. These sources of water are often rich in minerals and nutrients that are essential for good health. Distilled water, on the other hand, is a man-made product that has been stripped of these essential minerals, which can lead to imbalances in the body.
  2. Risk of overhydration: Drinking too much distilled water can lead to overhydration, a condition in which there is an excess of water in the body. This can cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, headache, confusion, and seizures. Overhydration can also be dangerous, particularly in people with certain medical conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease.
  3. Distilled water can be acidic: As mentioned earlier, distilled water can become acidic when it comes into contact with air, which can lead to a pH imbalance in the body if consumed over an extended period of time. Acidic water can also erode tooth enamel and lead to dental problems.
  4. Reduced hydration benefits: Distilled water does not hydrate the body the same benefits as other types of water. Mineral-rich water sources can help replenish the body's electrolytes, which are essential for proper hydration and muscle function.
  5. Lack of taste: Some people find that distilled water has a flat or bland taste due to the lack of minerals and other impurities. This can make it less appealing to drink and may lead to a decrease in overall water intake.

Overall, while distilled water can be beneficial in certain circumstances, such as in medical settings or in areas with contaminated water sources, it is not generally recommended as the primary source of drinking water. Instead, it is important to seek out natural sources of water that are rich in essential minerals and nutrients for optimal health.

Here are all the reasons that are available why some experts in the field of water and health advise against drinking distilled water:

  1. Lack of essential minerals: Distilled water is pure H2O, which means that all minerals and other impurities have been removed through the distillation process. While this might seem like a good thing, it also means that distilled water lacks essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for good health.
  2. pH imbalance: Distilled water has a pH level of 7, which is considered neutral. However, the lack of minerals can cause the water to become acidic when it comes into contact with air, which can lead to a pH imbalance in the body if consumed over an extended period of time.
  3. Depletion of electrolytes: Drinking distilled water can lead to a depletion of electrolytes in the body, which are important for proper hydration and muscle function. This is because electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride are usually found in mineral-rich water sources, which are absent in distilled water.
  4. Increased risk of contamination: Distillation removes most contaminants from water, but it does not eliminate all of them. If the distillation process is not done correctly, there is a risk of contamination from chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals that can be harmful to health.
  5. Cost and environmental impact: Distilled water is often more expensive than other types of water, and the distillation process requires a lot of energy, which can have a negative impact on the environment.
  6. Distilled water is not a natural water source: Humans have been drinking natural water sources such as springs, rivers, and wells for thousands of years. These sources of water are often rich in minerals and nutrients that are essential for good health. Distilled water, on the other hand, is a man-made product that has been stripped of these essential minerals, which can lead to imbalances in the body.
  7. Risk of overhydration: Drinking too much distilled water can lead to overhydration, a condition in which there is an excess of water in the body. This can cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, headache, confusion, and seizures. Overhydration can also be dangerous, particularly in people with certain medical conditions such as heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease.
  8. Distilled water can be acidic: As mentioned earlier, distilled water can become acidic when it comes into contact with air, which can lead to a pH imbalance in the body if consumed over an extended period of time. Acidic water can also erode tooth enamel and lead to dental problems.
  9. Reduced hydration benefits: While distilled water can still hydrate the body, it may not provide the same benefits as other types of water. Mineral-rich water sources can help replenish the body's electrolytes, which are essential for proper hydration and muscle function.
  10. Lack of taste: Some people find that distilled water has a flat or bland taste due to the lack of minerals and other impurities. This can make it less appealing to drink and may lead to a decrease in overall water intake.


The main danger of distilled water is the strong osmotic shift it causes. This can lead to higher blood pressure and cell damage, which is why the body tries to eliminate the distilled water as rapidly as possible to protect itself. This is why people urinate more frequently when ingesting distilled water as opposed to healthier mineralised spring water.

 Why distilled water does not hydrate our body

What is Distilled water? How does it stack up against Mineral Water? The answer is pretty simple. You are much better served to drink mineral water. Here’s why. There is sufficient scientific evidence that distilled, or very soft, water leaches from everything it touches. When you ingest it, it removes both good and bad elements from your body. It can deplete your body of calcium and magnesium; both are of major importance to the body. Prolonged use could cause many other health issues including death.

Distilled water is pure but it is not good for you.

Demineralised water that has not been remineralized, or low-mineral content water – in the light of the absence or substantial lack of essential minerals in it – is not considered ideal drinking

water, and therefore, its regular consumption may not be providing adequate levels of some beneficial nutrients.

Rainwater is not pure

While useful for many things, rainwater is not as pure as you might think, so you can’t assume it’s safe to drink. Rain can wash different types of contaminants into the water you collect, for example, bird poop on your roof could end up in your water barrel or tank. Rainwater can carry bacteria, parasites, viruses, and chemicals that could make you sick, and it has been linked to disease outbreaks.

Water is the universal solvent….

Water is called the "universal solvent" because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the air, the ground, or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.

Distilled water is a much more aggressive solvent…toxic


1.Anguillula aceti succumbs in six days to very pure water free from electrolytes whereas in ordinary distilled water it will live for much longer periods.

2. The toxic qualities of the pure water appear to reside in its solvent effect on the normally resistant cuticle of the worm which is rendered much more permeable to water.

3. Death is accompanied by physical manifestations suggestive of great imbibition of water by the tissues.

4. The presence of electrolytes in the medium, derived either from solution of the glass culture tube or carried by "impure" samples of distilled water, prolongs the life of the organisms in question, apparently by preserving the character of the membrane so that the tissues will not imbibe water. 

Distilled water contains no minerals, including magnesium, which the body must have; lowers blood pressure…


Abstract. Conclusion.

The results suggest that minerals taken in water are significant for the body burden and that an intake of mineral water among persons with a low urinary excretion of magnesium or calcium may decrease the blood pressure. Further studies should investigate the extent of mineral deficiency in different populations and the efficiency of different vehicles for supplying minerals, particularly magnesium and calcium.

Mineralized water is better for you

The researchers measured no significant changes in members of the control group, but the experimental group did show significant increases in both the blood and urine pH when they consumed highly mineralized water in the study's second and third weeks. The experimental group also showed a decreased blood and increased urine osmolality, as well as a decreased urine output during the second and third weeks of the study, which indicated higher levels of hydration. The changes measured in the experimental group reversed once its members switched back to non-mineralized water in the fourth week. 

Notes from Richard

Since we are talking about water, I'm sure the subject of distilled, purified or RO water will come up.

So I wanted to share some info regarding that and in particular distilled water.

Distilling water is only one part of the process, in nature it is called evaporation and rainfall. This process in nature is designed to strip the water back to its basic form, natural distillation. We know from experience that people who only drink rain water suffer nutrient deficiencies, they often have chronic illness, brittle bones and in particular bad teeth which is a major sign of nutrient deficiency. I have family who grew on farms and can testify to this, as I'm sure you could find too if you looked at long term research

Unfortunately our air is very polluted in modern times too and the rainfall captures toxic air pollutants and stores them in the water. If you drink tank water it is vital to test it regularly for contaminants. Tanks can also become a breeding ground for bacteria which is another reason why rain water can become toxic. For these reasons it’s not recommended to drink distilled water or rain water

The second natural part of the process of water is to be filtered through the earth to remove impurities and mineralise the water. This is where some of the magic happens by Mother Nature.

The water molecule is designed by nature to collect specific compounds in specific ratio's to alter the chemistry of the water. Naturally from the earth it is alkaline ph due to the chemistry of these compounds

The third part of the natural process is for the water to flow through a river system whether above ground or underground. This movement re arranges the atomic structure of the elements in the water so that it is energetically efficient. It is what you would call live water by this stage and fit to give us life and is what has sustained us from the beginning of time.

Distilled water is dead water ✋🏽

Drinking distilled water is like drinking clouds, we don't drink clouds, we are designed to drink Spring Water, Spring water is the complete cycle of water.

Water is vital for our health but it must be as close to this natural form as possible. If your water is acidic or even neutral, then your body will pull minerals out of your organs, muscle and bones where it is stored to add to the water and change its chemistry. This is basic body chemistry and proven science.

Water is also the medium in which nutrients are delivered to your cells. Each water molecule must contain specific elements that your cells need for your own survival and their efficient function. The water also must contain the right balance of elements to transfer past the cell membrane and enter the cell too. If the balance is out then the water won't get in. Salt is vital for this transfer. It's hydration on a cellular level, which is why you drink water in the first place.

Once the elements are delivered to your cell they are stripped and utilized for its function, even the hydrogen and oxygen that are in the molecule. Water is also the medium in which each cell lives, water is found both inside and outside the cell membrane.

Nowhere in your body will you EVER find distilled water, by that I mean bare H2O with no other elements. Which means if you can't find it in your body, your body can't use it, so why would you drink it??? Water always has other elements attached to it, whether it's nutrients being delivered to your cells, or cellular waste being excreted.

Nutrient rich living water is required to give you life. Water molecules contain electrolytes, which are natural minerals and salts that are vital for healthy cellular function. You see your body is a series of electrical impulses and we all know water is a conductor of electricity. Electrolytes are vital to conduct the electrical impulses from one cell to another and so on throughout your entire body so each message gets to where it needs to be. Lack of electrolytes leads to dehydration, which really is just impaired signaling on a cellular level 

Distilled water contains no electrolytes therefore once again your body must use minerals from elsewhere to change the chemistry so it can utilize the water efficiently. Some people say to add a pinch of salt to re mineralize distilled water, unfortunately the ratios of elements will be out when doing this and also there is far more to water than just creating your own concoction as I trust you're beginning to see now.

Now you might say you get all the nutrients you need from food, but that is a common misconception. Anyone who understands water can verify that you need minerals from both water and food for the efficient running of your body. Food alone is not enough for healthy function and if you were to drink distilled water then the minerals from your food would have to be utilized by this water and you would still end up nutrient deficient

So please consider these facts, distilled water and tank water/rain water are not the best options with regards to your long term health.

Always look to nature and repeat that cycle. Distill, mineralize, energize and drink

Our bodies are very complex and we run on electricity, the food and water you drink MUST come from Mother Nature unprocessed as it carries information in the form of light to every cell of our being. when you process food and water, it lacks the ability to have these vital living energies and information and thus will not give benefit to our bodies but rather take life energy instead.

You can simply do take a glass of distilled or reverse osmosis water to a Kinesiologist and test that for yourself and take a bottle of say Saka Water and test both water and you will be blown away with the differences between dead water and living water. Cheers

Some informational links..