FULVIC ACID - What is it? Should I be taking it? - Alkaline World

FULVIC ACID - What is it? Should I be taking it?

Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in soil, plants, and water sources. It is a type of humic acid, which is a group of organic compounds that are...
Alkaline Food Chart - Alkaline World

Alkaline Food Chart

This convenient Alkaline Acid Food Chart will remind you to create a healthy alkaline lifestyle.CLICK on the image, print it out and put it up somewhere in your kitchen.
Alkaline World
The Root Cause Of Cancer - Alkaline World

The Root Cause Of Cancer

Why isn't this being funded and studied?The Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto H. Warburg, had devoted his life to the study of and cause of cancer.Dr. Warburg was one of...
Alkaline World
Cancerous tissues are acidic - Alkaline World

Cancerous tissues are acidic

  In 1931 Dr. Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this important discovery. He stated, “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+...