Let’s face it - how many times have we found ourselves tirelessly staring into a galaxy of snacks, carbs and expired pre-made pasta sauces while still wondering what’s for dinner? I can guarantee you’ve done it already once this week. Whether you’ve just got home from the office and are looking for a quick and easy meal before bedtime that doesn’t come with all the extra calories, or a soccer mum in serious need of finding something quick to just grab and eat on the run, we here at Alkaline Worldhave the perfect solution for you: the Lean, Green, Meal Replacement Machine. 

I can see you’re already rolling your eyes at the concept of another meal replacement drink, but it’s actually easier (and a lot nicer) than it sounds. 

In this recipe, when we say meal replacement, we’re not referring to the powdered slim shakes where you pay $60 for a tub from your local supermarket and just add water. We’re talking about a blend that supplies you with the same antioxidants, vitamins and goodness that you can get just from eating a reasonably-sized steak and some broccoli. It’s safe to say it’s vegan too! 

If you’re still not convinced, you’ll find that the secret lies in a scoop of Natural Superfood’s Alkaline Organic Greens pack. Comprised of alfalfa, barley grass and wheatgrass, this formula is high in micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins and enzymes - all the good stuff in large amounts that you usually wouldn’t find in your off-the-shelf meal replacement brands. This, combined with the delicious taste of Don Tolman’s Raspberry Pulse, will have you recommending this tasty treat to your friends. 


All you need is:


In a Kuvings Vacuum Blender, blitz the kale and almond milk until smooth. Add all remaining ingredients except for the Alkaline Organic Greens. Once blended to a smooth consistency, pour into a cup, mug or glass. Stir in a scoop of Alkaline Greens and serve. 

At only 320 calories, you’re receiving all the goodness you need to keep your body functioning while you’re on the go. The best thing? It’s far more flavoursome and nutritious than the chocolate shakes you see on the supermarket shelves!
