There’s nothing worse than feeling sluggish at 3pm when you still have half a day’s work left to do. There’s nothing more frustrating when the need for some serious me-time, where you can kick your feet up and relax, just doesn’t fit into your busy schedule. If only there was something that could kick start your tired body back into gear with enough energy left for you to seize the day!

Lucky for you, the team at Alkaline World have a solution. 

Introducing your new guilt-free tasty treat: The Chocolate Energiser. 

Stop throwing away money on excessive coffee orders and leave those energy drinks in the vending machine. A sip of this 7-ingredient blend is all you need to get you back on your toes on the busiest of days. Better yet, it’s easy to prepare so you can get out the door and into your day with a nutritious energy boost in hand.


All you need is:

Combine all ingredients into a Kuvings Vacuum Blender and blend until smooth. Pour into your favourite glass, or a Kuvings glass bottle if you are planning to drink the Chocolate Energiser on the go, and enjoy.


Does a chocolate-tasting smoothie sound too good to be true? It need not be thanks to Alkaline World’s superfood ingredients.

Raw Food Factory’s Raw Cocoa Powder beats any average off-the-shelf brand as it’s packed with iron, magnesium and antioxidants which is everything you need to feel fresh, energised and revitalised. This, paired with Natural Superfoods Chia Seeds, enables your body to absorb the right dose of key nutrients and vitamins to help your body thrive. Finally, Cretan Thyme Honey has all the power to uplift your spirits with its exceptional therapeutic properties, creating a drink that not only fuels your body but boosts your mood too!

If you want your energetic high to last all day, have this delicious drink for afternoon tea after consuming dietary food supplement ElectroMin for breakfast. One scoop of this toxin removing blend aids in restoring a number of minerals and electrolytes and is best taken with Saka Water.


For more information on how Alkaline World products can invigorate your health, head to our website

Tagged: detox drink smoothie